Past Recipients – Gruss Lipper Postdoctoral Fellows

Shiran Bar, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2020 Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University, Prof. Joanna Wysocka
Stress-induced regulation of transposable elements in early human development

Yaniv Sela, Ph.D.
Tel Aviv University, Ph.D. 2020
Postdoctoral Lab- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Prof. Clifford Saper
Brain temperature and sleep need: tracking time awake

Tom Levy, Ph.D.
Ben-Gurion of the Negev, Ph.D. 2019
Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University, Prof. Irving Weissman
Mechanisma of natural seclection and germline stem cell competion in a naturally chimeric colonial tunicate

Itai AntoineToker, Ph.D.
Tel Aviv University, Ph.D. 2020 Postdoctoral Lab- Columbia University, HHMI, Prof. Oliver Hobert
Behavioral evolution driven by divergence in neuronal differentiation programs

Roni Winkler, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2019 Postdoctoral Lab- Rockefeller University, Prof. Charles M. Rice
The role of Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) modifications in viral infection

Ido Sagi, Ph.D.
Tel Aviv University, Ph.D. 2018 Postdoctoral Lab- The Hebrew University Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Prof. Richard Young
Regulatory principles of chromosome neighborhood formation and function in mammalian development

Muhannad Abu-Remaileh, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2018
Postdoctoral Lab- Harvard Medical School
, Prof. Lora Hooper
Novel molecular functions of pVHL in the pathogenesis or paraganglioma

Orli Snir, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2017
Postdoctoral Lab- Rockefeller University Prof. Daniel Kronauer
Mechanisms governig phenotypic variability in ants

Eran Kotler, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2018
Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University/UCSF, Prof. Christina Curtis and Pros. Anshul Kundaje
Microenviromental, epigenomi and clonal dynamics during breast cancer evolution

Yonatan Perez, Ph.D.
Ben Gurion University, Ph.D. 2019 Postdoctoral Lab- Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF. Prof. Arnold R. Kriegstein Convergent cell-type specific molecular pathways of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Shira Weingarten-Gabbay, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2017 Postdoctoral Lab- Broad Institute, Prof. Pardis Sabeti
Deciphering viral immune evasion by ststeatic investigation of immunogenic anigens in hundreds of viruses

Dan Bar-Yaacov, Ph.D.
Ben-Gurion of the Negev, Ph.D. 2015 Postdoctoral Lab- Morgridge Institute for Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Prof. Phillip Newmark
Post-transcriptional regulation of tissue regeneration and somatic stem cells by RNA editing.

Shay Geula, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2016 Postdoctoral Lab- University of Texas South West Medical Center, Prof. Sean Morrison Deciphering the mechanisms regulating the aging of hematopoietic stem cells.

Inna Ricardo-Lax Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D., 2015 Postdoctoral Lab- Rockefeller University, Prof. Charles M. Rice
Studying miRNA-Virus interactions of high containment RNA viruses.

Dorit Farfara, Ph.D.
Tel Aviv University, Ph.D. 2014
Postdoctoral Lab- Rockefeller University, Prof. Sidney Strickland
Mouse models of neurological disease focused on developing new therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer.

Shai Bel, Ph.D.
Bar Ilan University, Ph.D. 2015
Postdoctoral Lab- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Prof. Lora Hooper
Role of BCL2 in Regulating Antibacterial Autophagy in the Intestinal Epithelium.

Eyal Ben-David, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2015
Postdoctoral Lab- the University of California, Los Angeles, Prof. Leonid Kruglyak
Systematic Dissection of the Role of Genetic Variation in Variable Expressivity.

Dvir Aran, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2014
Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University/UCSF, Prof. Sidney Strickland
Inferring Specific Immune Infiltrates to tumor tissues and assoicatiating with clinical outcomes

Shahaf Armon, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2013
Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University, Prof. Manu Prakash
A living two-dimensional active fluid: fundamental mechanobiology in the World's simplest animal.

Daniel Soudry, Ph.D.
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Ph.D. 2013
Postdoctoral Lab- Columbia University, Prof. Liam Paninski
Combining neuronal activity with anatomical connectivity on a large scale.

Shay Stern, Ph.D.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Ph.D. 2013
Postdoctoral Lab- Rockefeller University, Prof. Cori Bargmann
Non-genetic differences underlying behavioral variability among individuals

Nadav Sharon, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2012
Postdoctoral Lab- Harvard University- University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. Victor Ambros
Human embryonic stem cells differentiation towards β-cells using gene expression based high throughput screening (GE-HTS).

Gal Haimovich, Ph.D.
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Ph.D. 2011
Postdoctoral Lab- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Prof. Robert Singer
RNA transport and localized translation in neurons.

Ori Bar-Nur, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2012
Postdoctoral Lab- Center for Regenerative Medicine/Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, HHMI Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University, Prof. Konrad Hochedlinger
Molecular analysis of direct in-vitro and in-vivo reprogramming of somatic cells to neurons.

Ariel Jaimovich, Ph.D.
The Hebrew University, Ph.D. 2010
Postdoctoral Lab- Stanford University School of Medicine, HHMI, Department of Biochemistry,
Dr. Patrick Brown
Towards A System-level View of mRNA Localization and its Regulation.

Oded Rechavi, Ph.D.
Tel Aviv University, Ph.D. 2010 Postdoctoral Lab- Columbia University, HHMI, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Dr. Oliver Hobert
RNA-Mediated Inheritance of an Acquired Memory.